A well-organized drug index is an invaluable tool, streamlining the search for specific pharmaceutical information and enhancing the speed and accuracy of decision-making in clinical, educational, and research settings.
RxReasoner offers comprehensive information on authorized and marketed pharmaceutical products globally.
Product name | Countries | |
STABIL | Brazil | |
STABILANOL | Israel | |
STABINEZ | South Africa | |
STABISOL | Estonia | |
STABLON | Austria, Brazil, France, Hong Kong, Malta, Singapore, Tunisia, Turkey | |
STACAM | Nigeria | |
STACLAZIDE | Hong Kong | |
STACORT-A | Hong Kong | |
STACTIFED | Nigeria | |
STADALAX | Romania | |
STADAPRESS | Estonia, Lithuania | |
STADERM | Japan | |
STADEX | Nigeria | |
STADEX PLUS | Nigeria | |
STADIUM | Mexico, Netherlands | |
STADLORIC | Hong Kong | |
STADNEX | Hong Kong | |
STADOVAS | Hong Kong | |
STAFEN | Ecuador | |
STAFINE | Turkey | |
STAFINE CORT | Turkey | |
STAFINE H | Turkey | |
STAFLOX | Tunisia | |
STAG | Turkey | |
STAGE | Turkey | |
STAGID | France, Tunisia | |
STAID | South Africa | |
STALADEX | United Kingdom | |
STALANEV | South Africa | |
STALEVO | Austria, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Cyprus, Germany, Ecuador, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Hong Kong, Croatia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Singapore, United Kingdom, United States, South Africa | |
STALONG | Nigeria | |
STALORAL | Poland, Romania | |
STALPARA EXTRA | Nigeria | |
STALPEX | Ireland, United Kingdom | |
STAMARIL | Austria, Brazil, Cyprus, Ecuador, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, Singapore, Turkey, United Kingdom, South Africa | |
STAMFORD | Hong Kong | |
STAMFORDDEX | Hong Kong | |
STAMIC | Turkey | |
STAMICIS | Austria, Estonia, Spain, France, Hong Kong, Ireland, Malta, Singapore, United Kingdom | |
STAMIDIX | Italy | |
STAMYL FORTE | Ecuador | |
STANDACILLIN | Austria, Estonia, Lithuania, Singapore | |
STANEK | United Kingdom | |
STANGLIT | Brazil | |
STANGYL | Germany | |
STANODRYL | Nigeria | |
STAPHIDERM | Israel | |
STAPHLEX | New Zealand | |
STAPHYCLOX | Cyprus | |
STAPHYLEX | Australia, Estonia, Nigeria | |
STAPIN | Hong Kong | |
STAQUIS | Austria, Estonia, Hong Kong, Israel, Lithuania, Poland, South Africa | |
STAR PEN | Austria | |
STARAB | Italy | |
STARASID | Japan | |
STARAZOLIN | Poland | |
STARCEF | Italy | |
STARFLU | Singapore | |
STARFOR C | Brazil | |
STARLIX | Austria, Cyprus, Estonia, Ireland, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Singapore, United States, South Africa | |
STAROS | Italy | |
STARSIS | Japan | |
STARSTEO | Nigeria | |
STARSTEO PLUS | Nigeria | |
STARTONYL | Austria | |
STARVAL | Singapore | |
STATA | Turkey | |
STATEX | Canada, Singapore | |
STATEZOL | Malta | |
STATICA | Ecuador | |
STATICOL | Italy | |
STATINOR | Tunisia | |
STATOL | Cyprus, Malta | |
STATOR | Israel | |
STAURODORM | Germany | |
STAVERAN | Poland | |
STAVID | Hong Kong | |
STAVIGILE | Brazil | |
STAVRA | Romania | |
STAXIM | Nigeria | |
STAXYN | Canada, United States | |
STAYBLA | Japan | |
STAYVEER | Austria, Cyprus, Estonia, Spain, Finland, Croatia, Ireland, Lithuania, Poland, United Kingdom | |
STAZOLIN | Hong Kong | |
STECUR | Italy | |
STEDEX-T | Hong Kong | |
STEDIRIL | Netherlands, Poland | |
STEDNAC | Nigeria | |
STEDON | Malta | |
STEFAMINELLE | Finland | |
STEGLATRO | Austria, Australia, Cyprus, Estonia, Spain, Finland, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, United Kingdom, United States | |
STEGLUJAN | Austria, Australia, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Hong Kong, Croatia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, United States | |
STELABID | Mexico | |
STELAR | Tunisia | |
STELARA | Austria, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Cyprus, Ecuador, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Hong Kong, Croatia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, Singapore, Tunisia, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, South Africa | |
STELAX | Australia, Hong Kong | |
STELAZINE | Brazil, Cyprus, Ireland, Malta, Mexico | |
STELE | Brazil | |
STELLA | Finland | |
STELUES | Japan | |
STEMETIL | Australia, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Hong Kong, Ireland, Malta, New Zealand, Singapore, United Kingdom | |
STEMFLOVA | Finland | |
STEMOX | Italy | |
STEMZINE | Australia | |
STENAC | Singapore | |
STENDRA | Turkey, United States | |
STENOFIX | Estonia | |
STENOR | Turkey | |
STEOFEN | Italy | |
STEOVESS | Estonia, France | |
STEPCIL | Poland | |
STEPER PRO | Poland | |
STEPIN-COLD | Hong Kong | |
STEQEYMA | United States | |
STERADIN | Turkey | |
STERCAR | Hong Kong | |
STERCIA | Hong Kong, Singapore | |
STERCORE | Malta, Romania | |
STERDEX | France, Tunisia | |
STEREMAL | Cyprus | |
STERETS TISEPT | Hong Kong, Malta, United Kingdom | |
STERETS UNISEPT | Hong Kong, United Kingdom | |
STERFLOX TZ | Nigeria | |
STERI-NEB | Hong Kong, Singapore | |
STERICLON | Japan | |
STERIDERM-S | Singapore | |
STERIDINE | South Africa | |
STERIDOSE | France | |
STERIFDG | Turkey | |
STERILENE | France | |
STERILLIUM | Netherlands | |
STERINAF | Turkey | |
STERIPET | Estonia, Poland | |
STERIPREP | South Africa | |
STERISCRUB | South Africa | |
STERISOL | South Africa | |
STERISPORIN | Canada | |
STERLIN | Nigeria | |
STEROCLEAR | New Zealand | |
STEROCORT | Israel | |
STERODEX | Israel | |
STEROFUNDIN | Austria, Cyprus, Ecuador, Estonia, Hong Kong, Croatia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Singapore | |
STEROGYL | France | |
STEROMIEN | South Africa | |
STERONEMA | Japan | |
STERTOVAS | Nigeria | |
STESOLID | Austria, Spain, Finland, Hong Kong, Ireland, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, United Kingdom | |
STEVUFEN | Nigeria | |
STEXEROL-D3 | United Kingdom | |
STEZZA | Brazil | |
STIDERM | Turkey | |
STIEMYCIN | Brazil | |
STIEPROX | Austria, Ireland, Lithuania, Poland | |
STIEVA-A | Canada, Singapore | |
STIGRA | Nigeria | |
STILAMIN | Brazil, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Africa | |
STILAXID | South Africa | |
STILGRIP | Brazil | |
STILIZAN | Turkey | |
STILLA | Israel | |
STILNOCT | Finland, Ireland, Netherlands, United Kingdom | |
STILNOX | Brazil, Cyprus, Germany, Estonia, Spain, France, Hong Kong, Israel, Lithuania, Malta, Mexico, Poland, Romania, Singapore, Tunisia, South Africa | |
STILPANE | South Africa | |
STILRAM SL | Brazil | |
STIMATE | United States | |
STIMOFIL | Israel | |
STIMOPEG | Israel | |
STIMU GH | France | |
STIMU-ACTH | France | |
STIMUFEND | Austria, Estonia, France, Croatia, Italy, Lithuania, Poland | |
STIMULOTON | Lithuania, Poland, Romania | |
STIOLTO RESPIMAT | United States | |
STIRLESCENT | Ireland, Malta, United Kingdom | |
STIVARGA | Austria, Brazil, Canada, Cyprus, Ecuador, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Hong Kong, Croatia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, Singapore, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, South Africa | |
STOBOCLO | United States | |
STOCRIN | Austria, Australia, Cyprus, Germany, Estonia, Spain, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Lithuania, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, Singapore, Tunisia, Turkey, South Africa | |
STOGAMET | Hong Kong | |
STOIN | Hong Kong | |
STOM-A | Hong Kong | |
STOMACHAL | Hong Kong | |
STOMCAP-1 | Hong Kong | |
STOMEZUL | Poland | |
STOMGEL | Hong Kong | |
STOMIN A | Japan | |
STOMPROZOL | Nigeria | |
STONA COLD | Singapore | |
STOPACID | Nigeria | |
STOPALGIC | Tunisia | |
STOPAREN | Lithuania, Malta | |
STOPAYNE | South Africa | |
STOPCOLD | Spain, Lithuania | |
STOPERAN | Poland | |
STOPERAN S | Poland | |
STOPINOR | Nigeria | |
STOPIT | Israel | |
STOPRESS | Estonia, Lithuania, Poland | |
STOPTOS | Ecuador | |
STOPTUSSIN | Lithuania | |
STORILAT | Cyprus, Singapore | |
STORVAS | Ecuador, Nigeria, Poland | |
STORWIN | South Africa | |
STOVADIS | Cyprus | |
STOVIR | Hong Kong | |
STRABEN | Cyprus, Malta | |
STRADENT | South Africa | |
STRADEXA | South Africa | |
STRAMUCIN | Canada | |
STRANTAS | Spain | |
STRATEX | South Africa | |
STRATO | Hong Kong | |
STRATTERA | Austria, Australia, Canada, Cyprus, Germany, Ecuador, Estonia, Spain, Finland, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Lithuania, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, Singapore, Tunisia, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, South Africa | |
STRAZOLAN | Cyprus, Croatia | |
STREFEN | Spain, Finland, France, Israel, Lithuania, United Kingdom | |
STRENSIQ | Austria, Brazil, Canada, Estonia, Finland, France, Croatia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States | |
STREPFEN | Cyprus, Estonia, Hong Kong, Croatia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore | |
STREPFLAM | Croatia, Lithuania | |
STREPSILS | Cyprus, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Hong Kong, Croatia, Ireland, Israel, Lithuania, Malta, Nigeria, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, Tunisia, United Kingdom, South Africa | |
STREPSILS CHESTY COUGH | Hong Kong, Singapore | |
STREPSILS INTENSIVE | Ecuador, Estonia, Ireland, Lithuania, Nigeria, Poland, Romania, South Africa | |
STREPSILS MAX | Hong Kong | |
STREPSILS MAXPRO | Singapore | |
STREPSILS MENTHOL | Estonia, Finland, Romania | |
STREPSILS PLUS | Croatia, Ireland, Israel, New Zealand, Romania, Singapore | |
STREPSILS SORE THROAT | Ireland, New Zealand, United Kingdom | |
STREPSILS VITAMIN C | Estonia, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Lithuania, Malta | |
STREPSILS VITAMINE C | Spain, France, Romania, Tunisia, United Kingdom | |
STREPTASE | Brazil, Estonia, South Africa | |
STREPTOSOL | South Africa | |
STRESAM | France, Malta, Tunisia, South Africa | |
STREVITAL | Romania | |
STRIADYNE | France | |
STRIASCAN | Austria, Estonia, Spain, France, Croatia, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, United Kingdom | |
STRIBILD | Austria, Canada, Cyprus, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Croatia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Singapore, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States | |
STRICOFF | Nigeria | |
STRIDOX | Nigeria | |
STRIMOL | Singapore | |
STRIMOX | Singapore | |
STRIRAB | Nigeria | |
STRIVERDI RESPIMAT | Austria, Brazil, Cyprus, Germany, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Hong Kong, Ireland, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Singapore, United Kingdom, United States | |
STRIVIT-D3 | United Kingdom | |
STROCAIN | Hong Kong, Singapore | |
STROCIT | Ecuador | |
STRODAY D3 | Turkey | |
STROGEN UNO | Germany | |
STROMECTOL | Australia, Canada, Estonia, France, Japan, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, United States | |
STROMOS | South Africa | |
STRUCTOFLEX | France, Tunisia | |
STRUCTOKABIVEN | Singapore | |
STRUCTOVIAL | Tunisia | |
STRUCTUM | France, Poland, Tunisia | |
STRUMAZOL | Netherlands | |
STRYK | Nigeria | |
STUB | Brazil | |
STUD 100 | Canada, Hong Kong, Israel, United Kingdom | |
STUGERON | Brazil, Cyprus, Ecuador, Estonia, Spain, Ireland, Lithuania, Malta, Mexico, Romania, Singapore, United Kingdom, South Africa | |
STULCER | Nigeria | |
STUNARONE | Israel | |
STYMEN | Poland |
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