This brand name is authorized in Brazil, Canada, Spain, France, Croatia, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States

Active ingredients

The drug ABELCET contains one active pharmaceutical ingredient (API):

1 Amphotericin B

Amphotericin B is a macrocyclic, polyene antifungal antibiotic produced by Streptomyces nodosus. The molecule is thought to act by binding to sterols in the fungal cell membrane, with a resulting change in membrane permeability, allowing leakage of a variety of small molecules.

Read about Amphotericin B

Medicine classification

This drug has been classified in the anatomical therapeutic chemical (ATC) classification system as follows:

ATC code Group title Classification
J02AA01 Amphotericin B J Antiinfectives for systemic use → J02 Antimycotics for systemic use → J02A Antimycotics for systemic use → J02AA Antibiotics
Discover more medicines within J02AA01

Authorization and marketing

This drug has been assigned below unique identifiers within the countries it is being marketed:

Country Identification scheme Identifier(s)
Country: BR Câmara de Regulação do Mercado de Medicamentos Identifier(s): 525500605111312
Country: CA Health Products and Food Branch Identifier(s): 02231590
Country: ES Centro de información online de medicamentos de la AEMPS Identifier(s): 60945
Country: FR Base de données publique des médicaments Identifier(s): 66207341
Country: GB Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency Identifier(s): 213026, 79837
Country: HR Agencija za lijekove i medicinske proizvode Identifier(s): HR-H-747381908
Country: MX Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios Identifier(s): 218M2000
Country: NL Z-Index G-Standaard Identifier(s): 15016757
Country: NL Z-Index G-Standaard, PRK Identifier(s): 38849
Country: PL Rejestru Produktów Leczniczych Identifier(s): 100111765
Country: TR İlaç ve Tıbbi Cihaz Kurumu Identifier(s): 8699783690168
Country: US FDA, National Drug Code Identifier(s): 57665-101

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