This brand name is authorized in France, Tunisia
The drug CALCIBRONAT contains one active pharmaceutical ingredient (API):
Calcium plays a vital role in the anatomy, physiology and biochemistry of organisms and of the cell, particularly in signal transduction pathways. The skeleton acts as a major mineral storage site for the element and releases Ca2+ ions into the bloodstream under controlled conditions. Circulating calcium is either in the free, ionized form or bound to blood proteins such as serum albumin. Although calcium flow to and from the bone is neutral, about 5 mmol is turned over a day. Bone serves as an important storage point for calcium, as it contains 99% of the total body calcium. |
This drug has been assigned below unique identifiers within the countries it is being marketed:
Country | Identification scheme | Identifier(s) |
Country: FR | Base de données publique des médicaments | Identifier(s): 65602079 |
Country: TN | Direction de la Pharmacie et du Médicament | Identifier(s): 11273011 |
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