This brand name is authorized in Australia, Brazil, Cyprus, Ecuador, Spain, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Malta, Mexico, Nigeria, Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, Tunisia, Turkey, United Kingdom, South Africa

Active ingredients

The drug COVERSYL contains one active pharmaceutical ingredient (API):

1 Perindopril

Perindopril is an inhibitor of the enzyme that converts angiotensin I into angiotensin II (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme ACE). The converting enzyme, or kinase, is an exopeptidase that allows conversion of angiotensin I into the vasoconstrictor angiotensin II as well as causing the degradation of the vasodilator bradykinin into an inactive heptapeptide. Inhibition of ACE results in a reduction of angiotensin II in the plasma, which leads to increased plasma renin activity (by inhibition of the negative feedback of renin release) and reduced secretion of aldosterone. Since ACE inactivates bradykinin, inhibition of ACE also results in an increased activity of circulating and local kallikrein-kinin systems (and thus also activation of the prostaglandin system).

Read about Perindopril

Medication package inserts

Below package inserts are available for further reading:

Title Information Source Document Type  
COVERSYL ARGININE Film-coated tablet Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (GB) MPI, EU: SmPC

Medicine classification

This drug has been classified in the anatomical therapeutic chemical (ATC) classification system as follows:

ATC code Group title Classification
C09AA04 Perindopril C Cardiovascular system → C09 Agents acting on the renin-angiotensin system → C09A ACE inhibitors, plain → C09AA ACE inhibitors, plain
Discover more medicines within C09AA04

Authorization and marketing

This drug has been assigned below unique identifiers within the countries it is being marketed:

Country Identification scheme Identifier(s)
Country: AU Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme Identifier(s): 9006B, 9007C, 9008D
Country: BR Câmara de Regulação do Mercado de Medicamentos Identifier(s): 531300302111316, 531300303116419
Country: EC Agencia Nacional de Regulación, Control y Vigilancia Sanitaria Identifier(s): 28796-03-09, 28830-04-09
Country: ES Centro de información online de medicamentos de la AEMPS Identifier(s): 58636
Country: FI Lääkealan turvallisuus- ja kehittämiskeskus Identifier(s): 020918, 020940, 020992, 021033
Country: FR Base de données publique des médicaments Identifier(s): 63849839, 68391071, 69475939
Country: GB Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency Identifier(s): 134444, 134447, 134450, 134453, 142096, 161540, 161606, 175367, 182258, 185712, 185714, 187434, 197210
Country: IE Health Products Regulatory Authority Identifier(s): 18428, 18481, 19407, 19433, 19441, 19492
Country: IT Agenzia del Farmaco Identifier(s): 027286210, 027286323, 044382012, 044382024, 044382036, 044382048, 047260017, 047260043
Country: JP 医薬品医療機器総合機構 Identifier(s): 2144012F1028, 2144012F2024
Country: MT Medicines Authority Identifier(s): MA066/00401, MA066/00403, MA066/00404, MA066/01501, PI1438/04901A, PI1438/04902A, PI1438/04903A, PI770/09901A, PI770/09902A, PI770/09903A, PI908/00502A, PI908/00503A
Country: MX Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios Identifier(s): 485M94
Country: NG Registered Drug Product Database Identifier(s): A4-5001, A4-5030
Country: NL Z-Index G-Standaard, PRK Identifier(s): 85154, 85162, 85170
Country: NZ Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Authority Identifier(s): 10983, 22125, 22126, 22996
Country: SG Health Sciences Authority Identifier(s): 04548P, 13040P, 13494P, 13495P, 14183P, 14184P, 14185P
Country: TN Direction de la Pharmacie et du Médicament Identifier(s): 6353012, 6353151, 6353152, 6353153
Country: TR İlaç ve Tıbbi Cihaz Kurumu Identifier(s): 8699552090458, 8699552090465, 8699552090892
Country: ZA Health Products Regulatory Authority Identifier(s): 38/7.1.3/0119, A39/7.1.3/0235, A39/7.1.3/0236, X/7.1.3/314

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