This brand name is authorized in Austria, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Cyprus, Ecuador, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Hong Kong, Croatia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, Singapore, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, South Africa

Active ingredients

The drug TAFINLAR contains one active pharmaceutical ingredient (API):

1 Dabrafenib

Dabrafenib is an inhibitor of RAF kinases. Oncogenic mutations in BRAF lead to constitutive activation of the RAS/RAF/MEK/ERK pathway. BRAF mutations have been identified at a high frequency in specific cancers, including approximately 50% of melanoma. Dabrafenib demonstrated suppression of a downstream pharmacodynamic biomarker (phosphorylated ERK) and inhibited cell growth of BRAF V600 mutant melanoma cell lines, in vitro and in animal models.

Read about Dabrafenib

Medication package inserts

Below package inserts are available for further reading:

Title Information Source Document Type  
TAFINLAR Hard capsule European Medicines Agency (EU) MPI, EU: SmPC

Medicine classification

This drug has been classified in the anatomical therapeutic chemical (ATC) classification system as follows:

ATC code Group title Classification
L01EC02 L Antineoplastic and immunomodulating agents → L01 Antineoplastic agents → L01E Protein kinase inhibitors → L01EC B-Raf serine-threonine kinase (BRAF) inhibitors
Discover more medicines within L01EC02

Authorization and marketing

This drug has been assigned below unique identifiers within the countries it is being marketed:

Country Identification scheme Identifier(s)
Country: AU Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme Identifier(s): 10003L, 11820D, 11823G, 2846T, 2954L, 2963Y
Country: BR Câmara de Regulação do Mercado de Medicamentos Identifier(s): 526517050088717, 526517050088817, 526517050088917, 526517050089017
Country: CA Health Products and Food Branch Identifier(s): 02409607, 02409615
Country: EC Agencia Nacional de Regulación, Control y Vigilancia Sanitaria Identifier(s): 2722-MEE-0517, 2884-MEE-0617
Country: EE Ravimiamet Identifier(s): 1624137, 1624148, 1624159, 1624160
Country: ES Centro de información online de medicamentos de la AEMPS Identifier(s): 113865001, 113865003
Country: FI Lääkealan turvallisuus- ja kehittämiskeskus Identifier(s): 066091, 079519, 409732, 507219
Country: FR Base de données publique des médicaments Identifier(s): 60248840, 61477322
Country: GB Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency Identifier(s): 230706, 230709, 368982
Country: HK Department of Health Drug Office Identifier(s): 63513, 63514
Country: IE Health Products Regulatory Authority Identifier(s): 88430, 88432
Country: IL מִשְׂרַד הַבְּרִיאוּת Identifier(s): 7415, 7417
Country: IT Agenzia del Farmaco Identifier(s): 042923019, 042923021, 042923033, 042923045
Country: JP 医薬品医療機器総合機構 Identifier(s): 4291046M1020, 4291046M2027
Country: LT Valstybinė vaistų kontrolės tarnyba Identifier(s): 1071165, 1071166, 1071167, 1071168
Country: NL Z-Index G-Standaard, PRK Identifier(s): 107123, 107131
Country: NZ Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Authority Identifier(s): 16142, 16143
Country: PL Rejestru Produktów Leczniczych Identifier(s): 100302123, 100302130
Country: RO Agenția Națională a Medicamentului și a Dispozitivelor Medicale Identifier(s): W64724001, W64724002, W64725001, W64725002
Country: SG Health Sciences Authority Identifier(s): 14830P, 14831P
Country: TR İlaç ve Tıbbi Cihaz Kurumu Identifier(s): 8699504151008, 8699504151015, 8699504151022, 8699504151039
Country: US FDA, National Drug Code Identifier(s): 0078-0681, 0078-0682, 0078-1154
Country: ZA Health Products Regulatory Authority Identifier(s): 51/32.2/0817, 51/32.2/0818

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