Relapsed or refractory chronic lymphocytic leukaemia

Active Ingredient: Duvelisib

Indication for Duvelisib

Population group: only adults (18 years old or older)
Therapeutic intent: Curative procedure

Duvelisib monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with relapsed or refractory chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) after at least two prior therapies.

For this indication, competent medicine agencies globally authorize below treatments:

25 mg twice daily


Dosage regimens

Oral, 25 milligrams duvelisib, 2 times daily.

Detailed description

The recommended dose is 25 mg duvelisib twice daily. A cycle consists of 28 days. Treatment should be continued until disease progression or unacceptable toxicity.

Delayed or missed doses

Patients should be advised that if a dose is missed by less than 6 hours, the missed dose should be taken right away and the next dose should be taken as usual. If a dose is missed by more than 6 hours, patients should be advised to wait and to take the next dose at the usual time.

Dose modifications for adverse reactions

Toxicities should be managed as per the following table with dose reduction, treatment hold, or discontinuation of duvelisib.

Duvelisib dose modifications and toxicity management:

Toxicity Adverse reaction grade Recommended management
Nonhematologic adverse reactions
InfectionsGrade 3 or higher infection• Withhold duvelisib until resolved
• Resume at the same or reduced dose (25 mg
or 15 mg twice daily)
Clinical CMV infection or
viremia (positive PCR or
antigen test)
• Withhold duvelisib until resolved
• Resume at the same or reduced dose (25 mg
or 15 mg twice daily)
• If duvelisib is resumed, monitor patients for
CMV reactivation (by PCR or antigen test) at
least monthly. In clinical studies iNHL, FL
(IPI-145-06) and CLL/SLL (IPI-145-07 the
outcome of starting at same dose or reduction
are comparable
PJP• For suspected PJP, withhold duvelisib until
• For confirmed PJP, discontinue duvelisib
diarrhoea or colitis
Mild/moderate diarrhoea
(Grade 1-2, up to 6 stools
per day over baseline) and
responsive to anti-
diarrhoeal agents,


Asymptomatic (Grade 1)
• No change in dose
• Initiate supportive therapy with anti-diarrhoeal
agents as appropriate
• Monitor at least weekly until resolved
Mild/moderate diarrhoea
(Grade 1-2, up to 6 stools
per day over baseline) and
unresponsive to
anti-diarrhoeal agents
• Withhold duvelisib until resolved
• Initiate supportive therapy with enteric acting
steroids (e.g., budesonide)
• Monitor at least weekly until resolved
• Resume at a reduced dose (15 mg twice daily)
Abdominal pain, stool with
mucus or blood, change in
bowel habits, peritoneal


Severe diarrhoea (Grade 3,
>6 stools per day over
• Withhold duvelisib until resolved
• Initiate supportive therapy with enteric acting
steroids (e.g., budesonide) or systemic
• Monitor at least weekly until resolved
• Resume at a reduced dose (15 mg twice daily)
• For recurrent Grade 3 diarrhoea or recurrent
colitis of any grade, discontinue duvelisib
Life-threatening• Discontinue duvelisib
Grade 1-2• No change in dose
• Initiate supportive care with emollients, anti-
histamines (for pruritus), or topical steroids
• Monitor closely
Grade 3• Withhold duvelisib until resolved
• Review all concomitant medications and
discontinue any medication potentially
contributing to the event
• Initiate supportive care with steroids (topical
or systemic) and antihistamines for pruritus
• Monitor at least weekly until resolved
• Resume at reduced dose (15 mg twice daily)
• If severe cutaneous reaction does not
improve, worsens, or recurs, discontinue
Life-threatening• Discontinue duvelisib
• Discontinue duvelisib for any grade
without suspected
infectious cause
Moderate (Grade 2)
symptomatic pneumonitis
• Withhold duvelisib
• Treat with systemic steroid therapy
• If pneumonitis recovers to Grade 0 or 1,
duvelisib may be resumed at reduced dose (15
mg twice daily)
• If non-infectious pneumonitis recurs or
patient does not respond to steroid therapy,
discontinue duvelisib
Severe (Grade 3) or life-
threatening pneumonitis
• Discontinue duvelisib
• Treat with systemic steroid therapy
3 to 5 × upper limit of
normal (ULN) (Grade 2)
• Maintain duvelisib dose
• Monitor at least weekly until return to
< 3 × ULN
> 5 to 20 × ULN (Grade 3) • Withhold duvelisib and monitor at least
weekly until return to < 3 × ULN
• Resume duvelisib at same dose (25 mg twice
daily) for first occurrence or at a reduced dose
(15 mg twice daily) for subsequent
> 20 × ULN (Grade 4) • Discontinue duvelisib
NeutropeniaAbsolute neutrophil count
(ANC) 0.5 to 1.0 × 109/L
• Maintain duvelisib dose
• Monitor ANC at least weekly
ANC less than 0.5 × 109/L • Withhold duvelisib.
• Monitor ANC until > 0.5 × 109/L
• Resume duvelisib at same dose (25 mg twice
daily) for first occurrence or at a reduced dose
(15 mg twice daily) for subsequent
ThrombocytopeniaPlatelet count 25 to < 50 ×
109/L (Grade 3) with
Grade 1 bleeding
• No change in dose
• Monitor platelet counts at least weekly
Platelet count 25 to < 50 ×
109/L (Grade 3) with
Grade 2 bleeding
Platelet count < 25 × 109/L
(Grade 4)
• Withhold duvelisib
• Monitor platelet counts until ≥ 25 × 109/L
and resolution of bleeding (if applicable)
• Resume duvelisib at the same dose (25 mg
twice daily) for first occurrence or resume at
a reduced dose (15 mg twice daily) for
subsequent occurrence

Abbreviations: ALT = alanine aminotransferase; ANC = absolute neutrophil count; AST = aspartate aminotransferase; CMV = cytomegalovirus; DRESS = drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic systems; PCR = polymerase chain reaction; PJP = Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia; SJS = Stevens-Johnson syndrome; TEN = toxic epidermal necrolysis; ULN = upper limit of normal Note: Doses withheld for >42 days due to treatment-related toxicity will result in permanent discontinuation from treatment

Dosage considerations

Duvelisib can be taken with or without food.

Active ingredient


Duvelisib is a dual inhibitor of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase p110δ (PI3K-δ) and PI3K-γ. PI3K-δ inhibition directly reduces proliferation and survival of malignant B-cell lines and primary CLL tumour cells, while PI3K-γ inhibition reduces the activity of CD4+ T cells and macrophages in the tumor microenvironment to support the malignant B cells.

Read more about Duvelisib

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