ATC Group: B05XA07 Calcium chloride

The World Health Organization's ATC classification organizes medical drugs based on therapeutic properties, chemical composition, and anatomy. It helps make essential medicines readily available globally and is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry.

Position of B05XA07 in the ATC hierarchy

Level Code Title
1 B Blood and blood forming organs
2 B05 Blood substitutes and perfusion solutions
3 B05X I.V. solution additives
4 B05XA Electrolyte solutions
5 B05XA07 Calcium chloride

Active ingredients in B05XA07

Active Ingredient

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body, and is an essential body electrolyte. Homeostasis is mainly regulated by the parathyroid hormone, by calcitonin, and by the activated form of vitamin D. Calcium is a structural component of bones and teeth. It is also required for blood clotting, neurotransmitter release, muscle contraction and normal heartbeat.

Related product monographs

Document Type Information Source  
 CALRECIA Solution for infusion MPI, EU: SmPC

Medicines in this ATC group

Austria (AT)

Canada (CA)

Croatia (HR)

Ecuador (EC)

Estonia (EE)

Finland (FI)

France (FR)

Ireland (IE)

Lithuania (LT)

Poland (PL)

Romania (RO)

Spain (ES)

United Kingdom (UK)

Note the following: The list of brand names is continuously updated, and thus does not include the total of products circulating worldwide.