ATC Group: D09AA Medicated dressings with antiinfectives

The World Health Organization's ATC classification organizes medical drugs based on therapeutic properties, chemical composition, and anatomy. It helps make essential medicines readily available globally and is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry.

Position of D09AA in the ATC hierarchy

Level Code Title
1 D Dermatologicals
2 D09 Medicated dressings
3 D09A Medicated dressings
4 D09AA Medicated dressings with antiinfectives

Group D09AA contents

Code Title
D09AA01 Framycetin
D09AA02 Fusidic acid
D09AA03 Nitrofural
D09AA04 Phenylmercuric nitrate
D09AA05 Benzododecinium
D09AA06 Triclosan
D09AA07 Cetylpyridinium
D09AA08 Aluminium chlorohydrate
D09AA09 Povidone-iodine
D09AA10 Clioquinol
D09AA11 Benzalkonium
D09AA12 Chlorhexidine
D09AA13 Iodoform

Active ingredients in D09AA

Active Ingredient Description
Benzalkonium chloride

Cetylpyridinium is an antiseptic with activity against both gram positive and gram negative organisms.


Chlorhexidine is an antimicrobial agent, active against a broad spectrum of Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms, yeasts, fungi, opportunistic anaerobes and aerobes. Chlorhexidine is mainly a “membrane-acting” agent that destroys the outer membrane of the bacteria. It is inactive on bacterial spores unless the temperatures are high.

Fusidic acid

Fusidic acid belongs to a unique group of antibiotics, the fusidanes, which act to inhibit bacterial protein synthesis by blocking the lengthening of factor G. Fusidic acid is active against staphylococcus epidermidis and methicillin resistant staphylococci.

Povidone iodine

Povidone iodine is an iodophore that has an established use as a broad-spectrum antiseptic, mainly for the treatment of contaminated wounds and for the preoperative preparation of the skin, mucous membranes and the ocular surface. The organic complex contains approximately 10% of active available iodine. Solutions of povidone iodine gradually release iodine to exert an antimicrobial effect against bacteria, fungi, viruses, and spores. Although povidone iodine is less potent than preparations containing free iodine, it is also less toxic.


Triclosan is a chlorinated bisphenol antiseptic. Triclosan is effective against Gram-positive and most Gram-negative bacteria.

Related product monographs

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