ATC Group: L04AA03 Antilymphocyte immunoglobulin (horse)

The World Health Organization's ATC classification organizes medical drugs based on therapeutic properties, chemical composition, and anatomy. It helps make essential medicines readily available globally and is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry.

Position of L04AA03 in the ATC hierarchy

Level Code Title
1 L Antineoplastic and immunomodulating agents
2 L04 Immunosuppressants
3 L04A Immunosuppressants
4 L04AA Selective immunosuppressants
5 L04AA03 Antilymphocyte immunoglobulin (horse)

Active ingredients in L04AA03

Active Ingredient

Equine anti-thymocyte globulin is composed of purified gamma globulin containing primarily IgG against human thymus lymphocytes. It is formed by inoculating a horse with an antigen (human thymoyctes) which then induces the horse immune system’s B-lymphocytes to produce IgG immunoglobulins specific for that antigen. The result is polyclonal IgG that is then purified from the horse’s serum to produce a usable drug product that can be used for immunosuppression. Although the exact mechanism of action is unknown, equine anti-thymocyte globulin targets a variety of immune system proteins including lymphocyte surface proteins, granulocytes, platelets, bone marrow cells, and other cell types. Equine ATG is currently indicated for the suppression of the immune system to prevent renal transplant rejection and in the treatment of aplastic anemia. Induction of T cell apoptosis and resulting T-cell lymphopenia found in vivo is credited for its therapeutic effect in these conditions.

There are currently various ATG products available, which differ in the source of inoculated animal (rabbit, horse, or pig) and in the type of antigen product used to produce immunoglobulin (thymocytes, peripheral T cells, etc.).

Related product monographs

Document Type Information Source  
 ATGAM Concentrate for solution for infusion MPI, US: SPL/PLR FDA, National Drug Code (US)

Medicines in this ATC group

United States (US)

Canada (CA)

Estonia (EE)

Hong Kong (HK)

Ireland (IE)

Japan (JP)

New Zealand (NZ)

Romania (RO)

Singapore (SG)

South Africa (ZA)

Turkey (TR)

United Kingdom (UK)

Note the following: The list of brand names is continuously updated, and thus does not include the total of products circulating worldwide.