ATC Group: L04AJ09 Danicopan

The World Health Organization's ATC classification organizes medical drugs based on therapeutic properties, chemical composition, and anatomy. It helps make essential medicines readily available globally and is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry.

Position of L04AJ09 in the ATC hierarchy

Level Code Title
1 L Antineoplastic and immunomodulating agents
2 L04 Immunosuppressants
3 L04A Immunosuppressants
4 L04AJ Complement inhibitors
5 L04AJ09

Active ingredients in L04AJ09

Active Ingredient Description

Danicopan binds reversibly to complement factor D (FD) and acts as a selective inhibitor of FD function. By inhibiting FD, danicopan selectively blocks the activation of complement alternative pathway (AP), leading to prevention of the production of multiple effectors, that include C3 fragments, after AP activation. The 2 other complement pathways (classical and lectin) remain active. Danicopan’s inhibitory effect on AP activation inhibits the deposition of C3 fragments on PNH red blood cells; such deposition is a key cause of the EVH which can become clinically significant in a small subset of patients with PNH on a C5 inhibitor. Maintenance of C5 inhibition controls the lifethreatening pathophysiological consequences of terminal complement activation underlying PNH.

Related product monographs

Title Information Source Document Type  
VOYDEYA Film-coated tablet European Medicines Agency (EU) MPI, EU: SmPC

Medicines in this ATC group

Austria (AT)

Estonia (EE)

France (FR)

Italy (IT)

Lithuania (LT)

Romania (RO)

Note the following: The list of brand names is continuously updated, and thus does not include the total of products circulating worldwide.