This brand name is authorized in Australia, Austria, Brazil, Croatia, Cyprus, Ecuador, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hong Kong SAR China, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey, UK.

Active ingredients

The drug IMIGRAN contains one active pharmaceutical ingredient (API):


Sumatriptan has been demonstrated to be a specific and selective 5-Hydroxytryptamine1 (5HT1D) receptor agonist with no effect on other 5HT receptor (5-HT2 - 5-HT7) subtypes. The vascular 5-HT1D receptor is found predominantly in cranial blood vessels and mediates vasoconstriction.

Read more about Sumatriptan

Medication package inserts

Below package inserts are available for further reading:

Document Type Information Source  
 IMIGRAN Tablet MPI, EU: SmPC Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (GB)
 IMIGRAN Nasal spray, solution MPI, EU: SmPC Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (GB)
 IMIGRAN Solution for injection MPI, EU: SmPC Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (GB)

Medicine classification

This drug has been classified in the anatomical therapeutic chemical (ATC) classification system as follows:

ATC Group Classification
N02CC01 Sumatriptan N Nervous system → N02 Analgesics → N02C Antimigraine preparations → N02CC Selective serotonin (5HT1) agonists
Discover more medicines within N02CC01

Authorization and marketing

This drug has been assigned below unique identifiers within the countries it is being marketed:

Country Identification scheme Identifier(s)
AU Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme 10694W, 1849H, 8144P, 8341B, 8885P
BR Câmara de Regulação do Mercado de Medicamentos 510603801111310, 510603802116316
DE Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte 00686256, 00686279, 00686322, 00686411, 00839211, 07275042, 07320593
EC Agencia Nacional de Regulación, Control y Vigilancia Sanitaria H4150413, H4160413
EE Ravimiamet 1024771, 1139880, 1139891, 1139903, 1139914, 1139936, 1139947, 1680577
ES Centro de información online de medicamentos de la AEMPS 59973, 61629, 61630, 66406
FI Lääkealan turvallisuus- ja kehittämiskeskus 005958, 013597, 013608, 018782, 018787, 018793, 018798, 018831, 018920, 093252, 093260, 198747, 411918, 415422
GB Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency 139154, 139158, 142500, 142502, 142506, 142510, 142513, 161901, 161903, 161905, 161910, 161912, 161914, 161916, 161918, 175622, 18519, 18546, 196146, 198745, 198747, 27747, 34890, 34891, 368034, 368036, 368038, 374175, 376553, 377200, 377202, 381401, 392150, 394069, 43703, 47897, 94846, 94849
HK Department of Health Drug Office 39285
HR Agencija za lijekove i medicinske proizvode HR-H-584958851
IE Health Products Regulatory Authority 29002, 29059, 29118, 29136, 29220, 29253, 30633, 30644, 32060, 32061, 32062, 36555
IT Agenzia del Farmaco 027975059, 027975061, 027975073
JP 医薬品医療機器総合機構 2160003F1022, 2160402G1026
LT Valstybinė vaistų kontrolės tarnyba 1003053, 1003055, 1003058, 1004663, 1004664, 1074067, 1074068, 1074069, 1074070
MT Medicines Authority MA192/04001
MX Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios 096M92, 568M95
NL Z-Index G-Standaard 13783149, 13784129
NL Z-Index G-Standaard, PRK 38210, 45845, 62359, 67679, 79480, 79499
NZ Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Authority 5569
PL Rejestru Produktów Leczniczych 100030311, 100030328, 100078000, 100101229, 100164690, 100164709
RO Agenția Națională a Medicamentului și a Dispozitivelor Medicale W64946001, W64946002, W64946003, W64946004, W64946005, W64948001, W64948002, W64948003, W64948004, W64948005
SG Health Sciences Authority 06744P, 08419P
TN Direction de la Pharmacie et du Médicament 14263011, 24833021
TR İlaç ve Tıbbi Cihaz Kurumu 8699522092895, 8699522092901, 8699522092918, 8699522099276, 8699522952922, 8699522952939
ZA Health Products Regulatory Authority 28/7.3/0726, 31/7.3/0197, Z/7.3/11, Z/7.3/12

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