This brand name is authorized in Austria, Brazil, Spain, Croatia, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, United Kingdom

Active ingredients

The drug VESOMNI contains a combination of these active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs):

1 Solifenacin

Solifenacin is a competitive, specific cholinergic-receptor antagonist. In vitro and in vivo pharmacological studies indicate that solifenacin is a competitive inhibitor of the muscarinic M3 subtype receptor.

Read about Solifenacin
2 Tamsulosin

Tamsulosin binds selectively and competitively to post-synaptic α1-adrenoreceptors, prevailingly their subtypes designated α1A and α1D. Thus relaxation of smooth muscles of the prostate and urethra is achieved, which leads to a reduction of tonus and an improvement of the urinary flow.

Read about Tamsulosin

Medication package inserts

Below package inserts are available for further reading:

Title Information Source Document Type  
VESOMNI Modified release tablets Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (GB) MPI, EU: SmPC

Medicine classification

This drug has been classified in the anatomical therapeutic chemical (ATC) classification system as follows:

ATC code Group title Classification
G04CA53 G Genito urinary system and sex hormones → G04 Urologicals → G04C Drugs used in benign prostatic hypertrophy → G04CA Alpha-adrenoreceptor antagonists
Discover more medicines within G04CA53

Authorization and marketing

This drug has been assigned below unique identifiers within the countries it is being marketed:

Country Identification scheme Identifier(s)
Country: BR Câmara de Regulação do Mercado de Medicamentos Identifier(s): 540315010002405, 540315010002505
Country: ES Centro de información online de medicamentos de la AEMPS Identifier(s): 78607
Country: GB Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency Identifier(s): 236751, 377371, 381737
Country: HR Agencija za lijekove i medicinske proizvode Identifier(s): HR-H-310582492
Country: IE Health Products Regulatory Authority Identifier(s): 34589, 34594, 34598
Country: NL Z-Index G-Standaard, PRK Identifier(s): 105724
Country: PL Rejestru Produktów Leczniczych Identifier(s): 100327666
Country: RO Agenția Națională a Medicamentului și a Dispozitivelor Medicale Identifier(s): W68606001, W68606002, W68606003, W68606004, W68606005, W68606006, W68606007, W68606008, W68606009, W68606010, W68606011

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