ICD-10 Specific code G35: Multiple sclerosis

Specific codes in ICD-10 are unique alphanumeric designations used to identify and categorize diseases, disorders, and conditions. They consist of 3-5 characters, including both letters and numbers, that provide a high level of detail and specificity.


Language Translation
Flag for English language  English Multiple sclerosis
Flag for French language  French Sclérose en plaques

Hierarchical position

Level Code Title
1 VI Diseases of the nervous system
2 G35-G37 Demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system
3 G35 Multiple sclerosis

Indicated medicines

Active Ingredient Description
Interferon beta-1b

Interferon beta-1b has been shown to possess both antiviral and immunoregulatory activity. The mechanisms by which interferon beta-1b exerts its actions in multiple sclerosis are not clearly understood. However, it is known that the biological response-modifying properties of interferon beta-1b are mediated through its interactions with specific cell receptors found on the surface of human cells.


Tetracosactide acetate consists of the first 24 amino acids occurring in the natural corticotropic hormone (ACTH) sequence and displays the same physiological properties as ACTH. In the adrenal cortex, it stimulates the biosynthesis of glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, and, to a lesser extent, androgens, which explains its therapeutic effect in conditions responsive to glucocorticoid treatment.