FOLIFER Film-coated tablet Ref.[28305] Active ingredients: Ferrous sulfate Folic acid

Revision Year: 2018  Publisher: Bial –Portela & Ca SA, A Av da Siderurgia Nacional, 4745 – 457, S. Mamede do Coronado, Portugal

4.1. Therapeutic indications

FOLIFER is indicated in the treatment and prophylaxis of folic acid and iron deficiency during pregnancy, lactation and puerperium.

4.2. Posology and method of administration

The recommended dosage is 1 tablet of FOLIFER daily.

Duration of treatment is established by the doctor.

Method of administration

The tablets should not be sucked, chewed or kept in the mouth, but swallowed whole with water.

Tablets should be taken before meals or during meals, depending on gastrointestinal tolerance.

4.9. Overdose

Overdose with FOLIFER occurs only rarely in adults, but can occur in children. Toxicity due to an excessive intake is caused by iron overdosage. Initial symptoms result from the contact irritation of iron on gastrointestinal mucosa: nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, epigastric pain, hematemeses and rectorrhages. The situation may progress and late complications are hypotension, coma, hepatocellular necrosis and renal impairment.

To decrease absorption, gastric lavaging with sodium bicarbonate 1% and monitoring of the patient are recommended. In adults a solution of manitol or sorbitol may be used to stimulate the intestinal emptying. Deferoxamine (mesylate) is a chelating agent that binds ferric ions to the groups 3-hydroxamic of the molecule, being effective when administered early in the treatment of acute intoxication. Intubation and haemodynamic therapy may be required in more severe situations.

6.3. Shelf life

3 years.

6.4. Special precautions for storage

This medicinal product does not require any special storage conditions.

Store in the original package.

6.5. Nature and contents of container

Blister Alu/Alu. Each pack contains 20 or 60 tablets.

Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

6.6. Special precautions for disposal and other handling

No special requirements.

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