
Chemical formula: C₂₂H₂₈N₂O₂  Molecular mass: 352.47 g/mol  PubChem compound: 8944

Active ingredient description

Anileridine is an opioid receptor agonist belonging to the piperidine class with analgesic activity. By binding to and activating opioid receptors in the central nervous sytem (CNS), anileridine mimics the endogenous opioids resulting in a decrease of nociceptive neurotransmitters and eventually an analgesic effect. Anileridine is useful for the relief of moderate to severe pain. It may also be used as an analgesic adjunct in general anesthesia in the same manner as meperidine to reduce the amount of anesthetic needed, to facilitate relaxation, and to reduce laryngospasm. In addition, anileridine exerts mild antihistaminic, spasmolytic and antitussive effects.

Medicine classification

This medicinal substance has been classified in the anatomical therapeutic chemical (ATC) classification according to its main therapeutic use as follows:

ATC Group Classification
N01AH05 Anileridine N Nervous system → N01 Anesthetics → N01A Anesthetics, general → N01AH Opioid anesthetics
Discover more medicines within N01AH05

Structural formula

Graphic representation of the active ingredient's molecular structure

External identifiers

CAS Substance: 144-14-9
DrugBank Drug: DB00913
KEGG Drug: D02941
PubChem Compound: 8944
RxNorm Ingredient: 17933
SNOMED-CT Concept: 55793008
Anileridine (substance)
UNII Identifier: 71Q1A3O279

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