Ropeginterferon alfa-2b

PubChem compound: 86278347


Ropeginterferon alfa-2b interacts in the following cases:

CYP1A2 and CYP2D6 substrates

Co-administration of pegylated interferon alfa-2b modestly increased the exposure of caffeine (CYP1A2 substrate) and desipramine (CYP2D6 substrate).

Therefore, care should be taken when ropeginterferon alfa-2b is co-administered with CYP1A2 substrates notably those having a narrow therapeutic margin such as theophylline or methadone. Likewise, caution is recommended with CYP2D6 substrates (e.g., vortioxetine, risperidone) combined with ropeginterferon alfa-2b. Ropeginterferon alfa-2b may inhibit the activity of CYP1A2 and CYP2D6 and thus may increase the blood concentrations of these medicinal products.

Severe renal impairment

A reduced starting dose for ropeginterferon alfa-2b of 50 micrograms is recommended for patients with severe (GFR 15-29 mL/min) renal impairment.

Potentially myelosuppressive/chemotherapeutic agents

Caution must be exercised when administering ropeginterferon alfa-2b in combination with other potentially myelosuppressive/chemotherapeutic agents.

Narcotics, hypnotics, sedatives

Narcotics, hypnotics or sedatives must be administered with caution when used concomitantly with ropeginterferon alfa-2b.

Retinopathy associated disease

Patients should have eye examinations before and during ropeginterferon alfa-2b therapy, specifically in those patients with retinopathy associated disease such as diabetes mellitus or hypertension.

Pre-existing or history of cardiovascular disorders

Patients with pre-existing or a history of cardiovascular disorders should be closely monitored during ropeginterferon alfa-2b therapy.


There are no or limited amount of data from the use of interferon alfa in pregnant women.

Studies in animals have shown reproductive toxicity.

As ropeginterferon alfa-2b may have the same effect, it is not recommended during pregnancy and in women of childbearing potential not using contraception.

Nursing mothers

It is not known whether ropeginterferon alfa-2b is excreted in human milk. A risk to the newborns/infants cannot be excluded. A decision must be made whether to discontinue breast-feeding or to discontinue/abstain from ropeginterferon alfa-2b therapy taking into account the benefit of breast feeding for the child and the benefit of therapy for the woman.

Carcinogenesis, mutagenesis and fertility

Women of childbearing potential/Contraception in females

Women of childbearing potential must use effective contraception during the treatment with ropeginterferon alfa-2b, unless otherwise discussed with the physician.


There are no data on the effect of ropeginterferon alfa-2b therapy on the fertility of females or males.

Effects on ability to drive and use machines

Ropeginterferon alfa-2b has minor influence on the ability to drive and use machines. Patients who experience dizziness, somnolence or hallucination during ropeginterferon alfa-2b therapy should avoid driving or using machines.

Adverse reactions

Summary of the safety profile

The most common adverse reactions are leukopenia (20.2%), thrombocytopenia (18.5%), arthralgia (13.5%), fatigue (12.4%), increased gamma-glutamyltransferase (11.2%), influenza-like illness (11.2%), myalgia (10.7%), anaemia (9.6%), increased alanine aminotransferase (8.4%), neutropenia (7.9%), pyrexia (7.9%), increased aspartate aminotransferase (7.3%), pruritus (6.8%), pain in extremity (6.7%), alopecia (6.7%), headache (6.2%), diarrhoea (5.7%), injection site reaction (5.6%), chills (5.1%), and dizziness (5.1%).

Serious adverse reactions are depression (1.1%), atrial fibrillation (1.1%) and acute stress disorder (0.6%).

Tabulated list of adverse reactions

Following treatment-related adverse reactions were reported with ropeginterferon alfa-2b in clinical studies in 178 polycythaemia vera adult patients. Adverse reactions are listed by system organ class and frequency (very common (≥1/10), common (≥1/100 to <1/10), uncommon (≥1/1,000 to <1/100), rare (≥1/10,000 to <1/1,000), very rare (<1/10,000) or not known (cannot be estimated from available data).

System organ class Frequency Adverse reaction
Infections and
common respiratory tract infection, influenza, rhinitis, fungal skin
uncommon oral herpes, herpes zoster, oral candidiasis, sinusitis,
oesophageal candidiasis, vulvovaginal mycotic infection,
hordeolum, onychomycosis
Blood and lymphatic
system disorders
very common leukopenia, thrombocytopenia
common pancytopenia, neutropenia, anaemia
Immune system
uncommon sarcoidosis
very rare idiopathic or thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura#
not known Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease#, acute hypersensitivity
Endocrine disorders common hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, thyroiditis
uncommon Basedow’s disease, diabetes mellitus#
Metabolism and
nutrition disorders
common hypertriglyceridaemia, decreased appetite
Psychiatric disorders common depression, aggression#, insomnia, anxiety, mood altered,
mood swings, mood disorders
uncommon suicide attempt#, suicidal ideation#, confusional state#,
acute stress disorder, hallucination, emotional distress,
nervousness nightmare, irritability
rare bipolar disorder#, mania#
Nervous system
common headache, dizziness, hypoesthesia, somnolence,
uncommon polyneuropathy, peripheral motor neuropathy,
radiculopathy, migraine, mental impairment, tremor, aura
Eye disorders common dry eye
uncommon retinal haemorrhage#, retinal exudates#, visual impairment,
visual acuity reduced, vision blurred, ocular discomfort,
eczema eyelids
rare retinopathy#, optic neuropathy#, retinal artery occlusion#,
retinal vein occlusion#
very rare blindness#
not known retinal detachment#
Ear and labyrinth
uncommon deafness, tinnitus, vertigo
Cardiac disorders common atrial fibrillation
uncommon myocardial infarction#, atrioventricular block, intracardiac
thrombus, aortic valve incompetence, cardiovascular
rare cardiomyopathy#, angina pectoris#
very raremyocardial ischemia#
Vascular disorders common microangiopathy
uncommon Raynaud’s phenomenon, hypertension, haematoma,
Respiratory, thoracic
and mediastinal
uncommon pneumonitis, cough, epistaxis, throat irritation
very rare lung infiltration#
not known pulmonary fibrosis#, pneumonia#, pulmonary arterial
common diarrhoea, nausea, abdominal pain, constipation,
abdominal distension, dry mouth
uncommon gastritis, abdominal wall disorder, flatulence, frequent
bowel movements, odynophagia, gingival bleeding
not known tooth disorder#, periodontal disease#
very common gamma-glutamyltransferase increased
common liver disorder, alanine aminotransferase increased,
aspartate aminotransferase increased, blood alkaline
phosphatase increased
uncommon hepatotoxicity, hepatitis toxic, hepatomegaly, porphyria
rare hepatic failure#
Skin and
subcutaneous tissue
common pruritus, alopecia, rash, erythema, psoriasis, xeroderma,
dermatitis acneiform, hyperkeratosis, hyperhidrosis, dry
uncommon photosensitivity reaction, skin exfoliation, nail dystrophy
not known skin depigmentation#
Musculoskeletal and
connective tissue
very commonarthralgia, myalgia
common Sjogren’s syndrome, arthritis, pain in extremity,
musculoskeletal pain, bone pain, muscle spasms
uncommon muscular weakness, neck pain, groin pain
Renal and urinary
uncommon cystitis haemorrhagic, dysuria, micturition urgency,
urinary retention
Reproductive system
and breast disorders
uncommon erectile dysfunction, haematospermia
General disorders
and administration
site conditions
very common influenza-like illness, fatigue
common pyrexia, injection site reaction, asthenia, chills, general
physical health deterioration, injection site erythema
uncommon injection site pain, injection site pruritus, sensitivity to
weather change
not known tongue hyperpigmentation#
Investigations common antithyroid antibody positive, blood thyroid stimulating
hormone increased, body temperature increased,
antinuclear antibody positive, blood lactate dehydrogenase
increased, weight decreased
uncommon platelet count increased, blood uric acid increased,
Coombs test positive

# Reported as adverse reactions during treatment with other interferon alfa medicinal products.
* Class label for interferon medicinal products, see below pulmonary arterial hypertension.
** e.g., urticaria, angioedema, bronchoconstriction, or anaphylaxis.

Description of selected adverse reactions

Most common adverse reactions

The most common adverse reactions (including number of patients, incidence rate, severity grade, necessity for dose adaptation and outcome) reported during the ropeginterferon alfa-2b clinical development program are summarised in the following table.

Most common adverse reactions during ropeginterferon alfa-2b treatment:

>10% PT
N (%)
grade ≥3
N (%)
N (%)
N (%)
N (%)
N (%)
Leukopenia 36 (20.2%) 21.2 3 (8.3) 5 (13.9) 4 (11.1) n.r. 8 (22.2)
Thrombocytopenia33 (18.5%) 11.2 4 (12.1) 3 (9.1) 2 (6.1) n.r. 6 (18.2)
Arthralgia 24 (13.5%) 5.2 1 (4.2) 4 (16.7) 3 (12.5) 1 (4.2) 15 (62.5)
Fatigue 22 (12.4%) 6.6n.r. 3 (13.6) 1 (4.5) 1 (4.5) 11 (50.0)
20 (11.2%) 7.9 7 (35.0) 3 (15.0) n.r. n.r. 4 (20.0)
like illness
20 (11.2%) 4.9 n.r. 4 (20.0) 2 (10.0) n.r. 10 (50.0)
Myalgia 19 (10.7%) 3.5 n.r. 2 (10.5) 1 (5.3) n.r. 9 (47.4)

No CTCAE grade 5 (death) adverse reactions reported for these preferred terms; 1 AE grade 4 (life-threating or disabling) reported for Gamma-glutamyltransferase increased.
Abbreviations: CTCAE, common terminology criteria for adverse events; n.r., not reported; ADR, adverse drug reaction; PT, preferred term; IR, incidence rate of mean adverse events per 100 patients per year; N, number of patients.
N (%) number and percentage of patients with given AE

Gastrointestinal disorders

Gastrointestinal disorders have been reported with other interferon alfa medicinal products and have been reported in 15.7% of patients with ropeginterferon alfa-2b treatment. The most common gastrointestinal disorders reported in these studies were diarrhoea (5.1%; incidence rate: 2.8 [events/100 patients per year]) and nausea (4.5%; incidence rate: 1.2 events/100 patients per year]).


In the clinical development program of ropeginterferon alfa-2b, two cases of serious depression (1.1%; incidence rate: 0.4 events/100 patients per year) occurred. The patients recovered completely after permanent medicinal product discontinuation. One patient who experienced serious acute stress disorder (0.6%; incidence rate: 0.2 events/100 patients per year) with moderate intensity recovered completely after the dose of ropeginterferon alfa-2b was reduced. CNS effects including suicide attempt, suicidal ideation, aggression, bipolar disorder, mania and confusion have been reported with interferon alfa.

Cardiovascular system

During ropeginterferon alfa-2b therapy, three cases of atrial fibrillation (1.1%; incidence rate: 0.3 events/100 patients per year) with intensity grade 1 to 3 occurred in two patients. Ropeginterferon alfa-2b treatment was continued, and the patients received appropriate medicinal products to treat these events. Patients recovered from the two events; one event was ongoing at the time of assessment.

Respiratory system

Cases of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) have been reported with interferon alfa, notably in patients with risk factors for PAH (such as portal hypertension, HIV infection, cirrhosis). Events were reported at various time points typically several months after starting treatment with interferon alfa.

Visual system

Serious eye disorders have been reported with interferon alfa such as retinopathy, retinal haemorrhage, retinal exudates, retinal detachment and retinal artery or vein occlusion.

Cross-check medications

Review your medication to ensure that there are no potentially harmful drug interactions or contraindications.

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