ICD-10 Specific code P90: Convulsions of newborn

Specific codes in ICD-10 are unique alphanumeric designations used to identify and categorize diseases, disorders, and conditions. They consist of 3-5 characters, including both letters and numbers, that provide a high level of detail and specificity.


Language Translation
Flag for English language  English Convulsions of newborn
Flag for French language  French Convulsions du nouveau-né

Hierarchical position

Level Code Title
1 XVI Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period
2 P90-P96 Other disorders originating in the perinatal period
3 P90 Convulsions of newborn

Indicated medicines

Active Ingredient Description

Midazolam is a derivative of the imidazobenzodiazepine group. The free base is a lipophilic substance with low solubility in water. The basic nitrogen in position 2 of the imidazobenzodiazepine ring system enables the active ingredient of midazolam to form water-soluble salts with acids.


Tetracosactide acetate consists of the first 24 amino acids occurring in the natural corticotropic hormone (ACTH) sequence and displays the same physiological properties as ACTH. In the adrenal cortex, it stimulates the biosynthesis of glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, and, to a lesser extent, androgens, which explains its therapeutic effect in conditions responsive to glucocorticoid treatment.