
Chemical formula: C₂₂H₂₉FO₄  Molecular mass: 376.462 g/mol  PubChem compound: 9878

Pharmacodynamic properties

Fluorometholone is a synthetic corticosteroid (glucocorticoid), a derivative of desoxyprednisolone. It is a member of the group of universally known steroids used for the treatment of eye inflammation.

Glucocorticosteroids bind to cytoplasmic receptors and control the synthesis of infection mediators thus damping inflammatory reactions (swelling, fibrin deposition, capillary dilatation, phagocyte migration) and also capillary proliferation, collagen deposition and scarring.

Although topical corticosteroid treatment often increases intraocular pressure both in normal eyes and in the eyes of a patient with increased intraocular pressure, fluorometholone increases intraocular pressure less than, for example, dexamethasone. A study showed that fluorometholone after six weeks' treatment increased intraocular pressure statistically significantly less than dexamethasone (mean change dexamethasone: 9 mmHg, mean change fluorometholone: 3 mmHg).

Pharmacokinetic properties

When tritium-labelled 0.1% fluorometholone suspension was administered locally, the peak concentration of the radioactive substance in aqueous humour was achieved 30 minutes after administration. A rapidly forming metabolite occurred at high concentrations both in aqueous humour and corneal extracts, which shows that fluorometholone is metabolised to a certain extent while penetrating the cornea and aqueous humour.

Preclinical safety data

Non-clinical data reveal no special hazard for humans based on conventional studies of repeated dose ocular toxicity and repeated dose systemic toxicity.

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