Sumatriptan Other names: Sumatriptan succinate

Chemical formula: C₁₄H₂₁N₃O₂S  Molecular mass: 295.4 g/mol  PubChem compound: 5358

Mechanism of action

Sumatriptan has been demonstrated to be a specific and selective 5-Hydroxytryptamine1 (5HT1D) receptor agonist with no effect on other 5HT receptor (5-HT2 - 5-HT7) subtypes. The vascular 5-HT1D receptor is found predominantly in cranial blood vessels and mediates vasoconstriction.

Pharmacodynamic properties

In animals, sumatriptan selectively constricts the carotid arterial circulation but does not alter cerebral blood flow. The carotid arterial circulation supplies blood to the extracranial and intracranial tissues such as the meninges and dilatation of and/or oedema formation in these vessels is thought to be the underlying mechanism of migraine in man.

In addition, evidence from animal studies suggests that sumatriptan inhibits trigeminal nerve activity. Both these actions (cranial vasoconstriction and inhibition of trigeminal nerve activity) may contribute to the anti-migraine action of sumatriptan in humans.

Pharmacokinetic properties

Following oral administration, sumatriptan is rapidly absorbed, 70% of maximum concentration occurring at 45 minutes. After 100mg dose, the maximum plasma concentration is 54ng/ml. Mean absolute oral bioavailability is 14% partly due to presystemic metabolism and partly due to incomplete absorption. The elimination phase half-life is approximately 2 hours, although there is an indication of a longer terminal phase.

Following subcutaneous injection, sumatriptan has a high mean bioavailability (96%) with peak serum concentrations occurring in 25 minutes. Average peak serum concentration after a 6 mg subcutaneous dose is 72 ng/ml. The elimination phase half life is approximately two hours.

After intranasal administration, sumatriptan is rapidly absorbed, median times to maximum plasma concentrations being 1.5 (range: 0.25-3) hours in adults and 2 (range: 0.5-3) hours in adolescents. After a 20 mg dose, the mean maximum concentration is 13ng/mL. Mean intranasal bioavailability, relative to subcutaneous administration is about 16%, partly due to pre-systemic metabolism.

Plasma protein binding is low (14-21%), mean volume of distribution is 170 litres. Mean total plasma clearance is approximately 1160ml/min and the mean renal plasma clearance is approximately 260ml/min.

A pharmacokinetic study in adolescent subjects (12–17 years) indicated that the mean maximum plasma concentration was 13.9ng/mL and mean elimination half-life was approximately 2 hours following a 20 mg intranasal dose. Population pharmacokinetic modelling indicated that clearance and volume of distribution both increase with body size in the adolescent population resulting in higher exposure in lower bodyweight adolescents.

Non-renal clearance accounts for about 80% of the total clearance. Sumatriptan is eliminated primarily by oxidative metabolism mediated by monoamine oxidase A. The major metabolite, the indole acetic acid analogue of sumatriptan, is mainly excreted in the urine where it is present as a free acid and the glucuronide conjugate. It has no known 5-HT1 or 5-HT2 activity. Minor metabolites have not been identified.

Special patient populations

Elderly (over 65)

The kinetics in the elderly have been insufficiently studied to justify a statement on possible differences in kinetics between elderly and young volunteers.

Hepatic Impairment

Sumatriptan pharmacokinetics after an oral dose (50 mg) and a subcutaneous dose (6 mg) were studied in 8 patients with mild to moderate hepatic impairment matched for sex, age, and weight with 8 healthy subjects. Following an oral dose, sumatriptan plasma exposure (AUC and Cmax) almost doubled (increased approximately 80%) in patients with mild to moderate hepatic impairment compared to the control subjects with normal hepatic function. There was no difference between the patients with hepatic impairment and control subjects after the s.c. dose. This indicates that mild to moderate hepatic impairment reduces presystemic clearance and increases the bioavailability and exposure to sumatriptan compared to healthy subjects.

Following oral administration, pre-systemic clearance is reduced in patients with mild to moderate hepatic impairment and systemic exposure is almost doubled.

The pharmacokinetics in patients with severe hepatic impairment have not been studied.

The major metabolite, the indole acetic acid analogue of Sumatriptan is mainly excreted in the urine, where it is present as a free acid and the glucuronide conjugate. It has no known 5HT1 or 5HT2 activity. Minor metabolites have not been identified. The pharmacokinetics of oral Sumatriptan do not appear to be significantly affected by migraine attacks.

In a pilot study, no significant differences were found in the pharmacokinetic parameters between the elderly and young healthy volunteers.

Preclinical safety data

Sumatriptan was devoid of genotoxic and carcinogenic activity in in-vitro systems and animal studies.

In a rat fertility study oral doses of sumatriptan resulting in plasma levels approximately 200 times those seen in man after a 100 mg oral dose were associated with a reduction in the success of insemination.

This effect did not occur during a subcutaneous study where maximum plasma levels achieved approximately 150 times those in man by the oral route.

In rabbits embryolethality, without marked teratogenic defects, was seen. The relevance for humans of these findings is unknown.

In non-clinical studies carried out to test for local and ocular irritancy, following administration of sumatriptan nasal spray, there was no nasal irritancy seen in laboratory animals and no ocular irritancy observed when the spray was applied directly to the eyes of rabbits.

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